2025, January, Volume 1, Issue 1, Page: 1-4.
1) Lavina Sharma (Ph.D Scholar), Dept. of Anatomy, SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur.
2) Vinod Agrawal (Professor) Dept, of Forensic Medicine, JNUIMSRC, Jaipur.
Corresponding Author:-
Lavina Sharma (Ph.D Scholar)
Dept. of Anatomy,
SMS Medical College &
Hospital, Jaipur.
Mob. 9351500217.
Background: In the current scenario of crimes, the criminals are frequently resorting to obliteration of identity of victims. Therefore, for the forensic experts; sex determination from bones becomes vital as further analysis for Identification depends on sex of the bones. In cases of mass disaster, where only the parts of the body are found, sex determination becomes difficult. Mandible shows good sexual dimorphism also it is the most tough and durable facial bone. There is lot of information on morphological differences for determination of sex but very little on Morphometric parameters in Jaipur district.
Materials & Methods: - Our study is a cross-sectional study conducted on 100 dried fully ossified adult human mandibles (Male:52 & Female:47) The location of Mandibular Foramen, Mandibular Length, Mandibular Body Thickness, Mandibular Body Height, Mandibular Ramus Angle, Bicondylar Breadth, Coronoid Breadth, Mandibular Index were measured with the help of Digital Vernier Caliper & Mandibulometer. The data was subjected to statistical analysis. Mean values and standard deviation of different parameters were calculated compared using Student’s t- test and chi-square-test.
Results:- In our study we found that mean values were: Mandibular Length (male: 104.43 ± 12.78 mm, female: 101.78 ± 11.05 mm) Bicondylar Breadth (male: 108 ± 9.06 mm, female: 108.35 ± 8.44 mm) Mandibular Index (male: 96.59 ± 12.68 mm, female: 94.24 ± 10.19 mm) Height of mandible (male: 26.98 ± 4.10 mm, female: 26.47 ± 3.55 mm) Coronoid Breadth (male: 94.88 ± 0.61 mm, female: 90.92 ± 0.41 mm) Mandibular Ramus Angle (male: 1240 ± 60, female: 1240 ± 50) Mandibular Body Thickness (male: 1.28 ± 0.46 mm, female: 1.08 ± 0.41 mm)
Conclusion: Determination of Sex from the available bones / parts of the body is crucial for Forensic and Anthropological work. The knowledge and application of Morphometric parameters along with the morphological features will be more objective and useful. More studies in Jaipur district along these lines should be more helpful.
Keywords: Mandible, Sex-Determination, Mandibular Index, Height Of Mandible, Mandibular Ramus Angle, Mandibular Body Thickness.